Super Spa & Nails

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Super Spa & Nails

Opening hours

9101 Woodmore Centre Dr #326
Lanham, Maryland 20706
Our Booking PolicyArrive @1st service apt. time - Wash hands before service NO Drying station (Gel is recommended) Base prices* listed during booking *extra length & shape We have the right to Refuse Service 10mins late=Cancelled Text YES 301 322-1771 to CONFIRM


Nail Tech

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, Highest rated
483 reviews
  • Debora Turner

    I have been with Wendy for years have followed her from different shops I really love the atmosphere at super spa nails
    Everyone so pleasant and professional.

  • Maria

    Tommy always leave my nails looking fabulous. Pretty sparkle tip with a light pink base. 🥰

  • R. Warren-Goode

    Sam and I love the entire staff there never any problem. Polli and MiMi are the team members we us.